【問題】關於胃腸道基質瘤gastrointestinal stromal tumor的敘述下列何者錯誤?推薦回答


Dr. Yukinori Kurokawa, Assistant Professor, Department of Gastoenterological Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka UniversityDr. Yoshito Komatsu, Associate Professor, Department of Cancer Che...

作者:Mcleish, Sandra

Gastrointestinal stromal tumor has been described in this insightful book. Till about 15 years ago, there was no mechanism to detect the origin of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), and 30 year...

作者:DeMatteo, Ronald, M.D./ Symcox, Marina, Ph.D./ Demetri, George D.

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are rare with about 4,000 to 6,000 cases diagnosed each year. Receiving the diagnosis from your doctor can be terrifying and overwhelming. What is GIST? What ...


第一本為台灣癌症患者與家屬量身打造的抗癌指導書!   蘇志中院長是一位腫瘤科醫師,也曾是癌症病患家屬。  他以切身之痛,教你對抗癌症,以及如何與癌症病患相處。   當罹癌,病患及其家屬往往面臨:   .「我的醫師告訴我,我已經是末期了。什麼治療都不用做,回家把該交代、該處理的事情做一做就好了。」  .「治療費加藥費一個月要十多萬,我真的沒這麼多錢,怎麼辦?」  .「醫師,其實我好怕啊,怕我閉...


系劉揚忠和蔣寅主編的「古典文學與華夏民族精神建構」叢書之一種,為中國社會科學院文學研究所古代文學研究室研究員韋鳳娟的個人專着。 「緒論」之外分三編共十章:第一編探討「志怪」小說,分三章依次論述了「鬼話」「仙話」「怪話」;第二編探討「山水詩」,分四章深入論述了山水詩的精神源頭、話語構成、符號意義以及山水詩的開創者謝靈運;第三編集中探討魏晉南北朝時期的傑出代表、大詩人陶淵明,用三章的篇幅闡釋了陶...


本書通過對20世紀90年代以來的家庭倫理電視劇做文本研究的方式,探討了以下問題:作為擁有廣泛受眾的大眾傳播媒介,電視這一大眾傳媒通過家庭倫理劇的方式表達着什麼樣的「家」的意象?「家」這一意象在電視劇文本中是如何被建構的?在「家」形象的建構背后,如何隱藏着各種社會力量的角逐? 導論 一、研究對象的梳理 二、研究目的與意義 三、研究現狀與文獻綜述 四、...

作者:Trent, Jonathan C., M.D., Ph.D. (EDT)/ Patel, Shreyaskumar R., M.D. (EDT)

Most doctors believe gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) start in special cells found in the wall of the GI tract, called the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs), or in very early cells that can...

作者:Kitamura, Yukihiko/ Miettinen, M./ Hirota, S./ Kanakura, Y.

作者:DeMatteo, Ronald, M.D./ Demetri, George D.

EMPOWER YOURSELF Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are rare with about 4,000 to 6,000 cases diagnosed each year. Receiving the diagnosis from your doctor can be terrifying and overwhelming. W...


Charles R. Scoggins, University of Louisville, School of Medicine, 315 E. Broadway, Suite 303, 40202 Louisville, KY, USA, e-mail: [email protected] P. Raut, Brigham & Women’...


